Bergen | Ebba Bohlin - Inngang

Freiste­hen­de Groß­plas­tik


Link zu: Ebba Boh­lin
Per­ma­nent In­stal­la­ti­on at Uls­måg Skole, Ber­gen, Nor­way
This work is all about the bo­di­ly ex­pe­ri­ence of being in­side, or out­si­de, of the struc­ture. Some of the ea­r­liest me­mo­ries are spa­ti­al and cir­cu­la­te around this ex­pe­ri­ence, in­side of the hut, the snow cave, under the pil­lows, en­te­ring the space under the table, co­ver­ed by the blan­ket. (Ebba Boh­lin)